Spay/neuters are required for pets undergoing procedures to remove mammary, penile, scrotal, vaginal, or testicular tumors and dog fight lacerations. It is also required when correcting congenital deformities such as umbilical or inguinal hernias, entropion/ectropion, or prolapses of the vagina, or rectum. This will be discussed with you at your pre-surgical visit. A spay or neuter may be required for other surgical procedures.
Pets must be current on their rabies and DAPP/FVRCP vaccinations. These can be done before or at the time of surgery.
We do not perform; tail docking, ear cropping, debarking, defanging, feline declaw amputations, and cosmetic canine dewclaw removal.
All surgery or dental patients age 6 years and older require pre-anesthesia bloodwork for an additional cost of $85.
All spay/neuters are REQUIRED to have a microchip done.
We do not perform c-sections, knee surgery, cherry eye tucks/removals, or cataract surgeries. We do not provide pre- or post-natal support care.
We require that you bring your pet in with you for a pre-surgical consultation with the veterinarian before we will schedule your pet's surgery. The cost for this is $39. In order to schedule that surgery, we will have you put a surgery deposit down which will be removed from your balance the day of surgery. The surgery deposit price depends on what your pet needs to have done.
As stated above, many surgeries require that the pet be spayed or neutered in addition to another surgery procedure being performed (for example, we will not perform an entropion surgery without a spay or neuter). West Michigan Street Veterinary Clinic declines to provide any medical services for any breeding animals under joint ownership or contract under any circumstances. By signing any medical or surgical release forms, you acknowledge that you are the sole owner of a pet being presented for medical services, and you acknowledge that West Michigan Street Veterinary Clinic is not liable for any breach of contract that may result between the client and any joint owner or individual with breeding agreements.
Spay/Neuter pricing includes IV catheter, microchip, take home pain medication, and an e-collar (the lampshade type collar to prevent them from licking or biting at their incision). All other surgeries do require an IV catheter for $20.
Feline Spay/Neuter Prices
Rabies and FVRCP is required for all surgeries or dentals. This should be done prior to surgery day.
Male Neuter, over 4 months
Female Spay, over 4 months - 6 months old
Female Spay, over 6 months old
In- Heat add $60
Pregnant add $85
CBC/6 Panel Pre-Surgery Lab Screen
Antibiotic and Pain Medication
starts at $20
Canine Spay and Neuter Prices
Rabies, DAPP, and Lepto vaccines are required for all surgeries or dentals. This should be done prior to surgery day.
Male Neuter, over 4 months, under 40 pounds
Male Neuter, over 4 months, 41 - 90 pounds
Male Neuter, over 4 months, 91+ pounds
Female Spay, over 4 months old, under 40 pounds
Female Spay, over 4 months old, 41 - 60 pounds
Female Spay, over 4 months old, 61 - 80 pounds
CBC/6 Panel Pre-Surgery Lab Screen
Antibiotic and Pain Medication
Starts at $20
E-collar, large
E-collar, small and medium
** + means the price could go higher**